Call in three languages

Call in three languages

Llamamiento en tres idiomas

Appel en trois langues

(actualisé le 16 décembre 2019)


For working internationally on the history of Free Thought

The undersigned, attached in different capacities to the study of the history of Free-Thought, secularism, rationalism and democracy, met 22 June 2019 in Paris on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the foundation of IRELP [Institut de Recherches et d’Etudes de la Libre Pensée]. (more…)

Belgium and France: A joint statement by the CLP/KVD (Belgium) and The FNLP (France)

The Circle of Free Thought


The National Federation of Free thought

Constitution, secularism and public funding of religions

An international call by personalities has been published for the fiftieth anniversary of the Belgian Center of Secular Action, which was born in 1969. The congress was held in Liège, a traditional fiefdom of Free Thought, then here is “the call from Liège, for a universal secularity”.

Both our associations (CLP/KVD and FNLP) have read about this call in the press and have studied it with interest. French Free Thinkers expressed some surprise when they noticed the presentation of the call was sponsored by Mr. François Hollande, the former president of the French Republic. Belgian Free Thinkers had the same surprise when they understood that one of the distinguished signatories was Mr. Elio di Rupo who was the Prime Minister of the Belgian Monarchy for several years. (more…)

Let’s support Hector

Hector is a 15-year-old student who has been fighting for three years now for religious symbols to be removed from her college in Dos Torres (Cordoba). His perseverance and efforts could count on the support of his parents, friends or Andalusia Laïque , but neither the educational team, the Council of Education took the appropriate measures.


Report of the Congress of Valparaiso

Edgar G. Jarrín Vallejo and Antonio Vergara Lira, Directors of AILP, are pleased to publish the minutes of the CONGRESS of Free Thought realized in the city of Valparaiso from August 8th to 10th, grouped in 160 pages, document which describes the activities carried out by our organization as well as: academic, cultural, social events, thematic round tables and conclusions. In addition, presentations and supporting activities are attached. (more…)

Motion for the constitution of an International Circle of Rationalist Exegesis

Dear friends, dear comrades,
The Congress of French Free Thought submits a proposal to all associations of Free Thought, Humanists, Atheists, Skeptics, Seculars to form an International Circle of Rationalist Exegesis to study dogmas and religions.
Attached is this call in different languages.
If you are interested in this proposal write to:
Best Regards
Christian Eyschen, AILP spokesperson (more…)

Live with Guillermo Fuchslocher, Ecuadorian free thinker

Guillermo Fuchslocher

I am happy to answer your questions, but with the precision that I do it “on the fly” and that, although I want to be objective, it will be difficult to leave my subjectivity aside, in particular because the events in Ecuador in the first half of October 2019 generated greater social polarization, which is reflected in the tendency for people to have very opposed readings and interpretations of facts, those that respond to our interests, prejudices, ideological positions, political adherence and influence of the media. (more…)

Live from Lebanon with Georges Saad

of the Lebanese Association of Philosophy of Law

International Association of Free Thought: The demonstrations in Beirut and throughout Lebanon are important and determined. Who are the demonstrators and what are they demanding?

Georges Saad

Georges Saad: It is almost an insurrection, a « true revolution » as Bakunin said (revolutionary spontaneity). People are tired of waiting, of believing in corrupt leaders. The Lebanese no longer want General Aoun, who has done nothing so far for three years. A country where people no longer hesitate to talk about their starvation. (more…)

What’s going on in Chile?

Antonio Vergara Lira

Isla Negra (Chile), 24 October 2019.

A. Vergara Lira

I would like to share some personal opinions, those which coincide with various press articles, Spanish and French, which seem to me to be serious.

What is happening in Chile today?

Without getting into the most serious problem, because in Chile, the political constitution of the Republic adopted under the dictatorship of Pinochet – in 1980 – is still in force, which could not be seriously amended, because a very high quorum is required in Parliament. Pinochet’s right wing with its 30% prevents it, among other measures that affect the country’s democracy. (more…)