Brussels, 2020 March 24.
Since several years now, the question of the inclusion in the Constitution of a “system of values” (equality of women and men, the rule of law positive over any religious or philosophical prescription, etc.) [1] in order to supposedly fight against communitarianism. The inclusion of secularism in the fundamental law [2] is thus proposed.
For the Circle of Free Thought – Kring voor het Vrije Denken (CLP-KVD), after having debated it in the general assembly, he reaffirms that:
- If the inscription of secularism in the Constitution is to include:
– Non-recognition and non-financing by the State of religions and non-confessional philosophical organizations. Secularism is a political and juridical device, a device of freedom, guaranteeing the freedom not to believe or to believe, and as a consequence religious freedom, involving a strict neutrality of the State and its representatives in matters of philosophical or religious convictions, the total separation of the Churches and the State (a State can claim neither atheism nor any religion).
– In the field of education, the total separation of the Churches and the State, which requires the application of the principle: Public funds to the public school, private funds to the private school on the one hand, and on the other hand a real secularity of the public school, This implies the suppression of religious courses.
Then the CLP-KVD could support such a project.
- If this is not the case, then the CLP-KVD cannot support an operation that goes against secularism itself.
The formula of Victor Hugo remains of a burning topicality:«The State in its domain, the Church in its own»
For the CLP-KVD
Kamal DHIF
Chair of the Circle of Free Thought – Kring voor het Vrije Denken
(1) Private member’s introductory report. The character of the state and the fundamental values of society (Doc 54 2914/001).
(2) Proposal filed by L. Onkelinx et consorts (Doc Parl Ch. doc 54, s.o. 2017-2018, 3269/001); filed by D. Ducarme et consorts ( Doc. Parl. Ch. doc 54, s.o. 2015-2016); filed by O. Maingain and V. Caprasse (Doc. Parl Ch, doc 54, s.o. 2015-2016, 1582/001).
[Reverso trans.]