Live from Lebanon with Georges Saad

of the Lebanese Association of Philosophy of Law

International Association of Free Thought: The demonstrations in Beirut and throughout Lebanon are important and determined. Who are the demonstrators and what are they demanding?

Georges Saad

Georges Saad: It is almost an insurrection, a « true revolution » as Bakunin said (revolutionary spontaneity). People are tired of waiting, of believing in corrupt leaders. The Lebanese no longer want General Aoun, who has done nothing so far for three years. A country where people no longer hesitate to talk about their starvation. (more…)

What’s going on in Chile?

Antonio Vergara Lira

Isla Negra (Chile), 24 October 2019.

A. Vergara Lira

I would like to share some personal opinions, those which coincide with various press articles, Spanish and French, which seem to me to be serious.

What is happening in Chile today?

Without getting into the most serious problem, because in Chile, the political constitution of the Republic adopted under the dictatorship of Pinochet – in 1980 – is still in force, which could not be seriously amended, because a very high quorum is required in Parliament. Pinochet’s right wing with its 30% prevents it, among other measures that affect the country’s democracy. (more…)

To the Word Union of freethinkers

Paris, July 9. 2019

Dear Friends

Dear Comrades,

As you probably know, The International Association of Freethougt is born in Oslo in Norway, on the 10th of August 2011.

The association exists today on every continent and gather a great number of atheist, freethought and secular associations. It is represented by eleven spokespersons and an international Council with forty members, from all the continents. The three languages practised are french, english and spanish. (more…)

On June 14th 2019, Michel Godicheau International Association of Free Thought (IAFT) declared at the hundredth anniversary of the ILO:

Mr. Chair, Ladies and Gentlemen, The International Association of Free Thought, which is committed to civil harmony, cannot but pay tribute to the hundred years of existence of an international structure where trade unions, governments and employers’ organizations meet to set up social progress rules. The preamble of the ILO Read more…