Paris, July 9. 2019
Dear Friends
Dear Comrades,
As you probably know, The International Association of Freethougt is born in Oslo in Norway, on the 10th of August 2011.
The association exists today on every continent and gather a great number of atheist, freethought and secular associations. It is represented by eleven spokespersons and an international Council with forty members, from all the continents. The three languages practised are french, english and spanish.
IAFT is represented at the Human Rights Committee in the United Nations, at the International Labour Organization and soon at UNESCO.
We learned that the Word Congress of UMLP will take place in Luxembourg from 12th to 14th of September 2019.
At this occasion, IAFT would like to propose to meet UMLP in order to debate about a possible convergence and common efforts between our two international organisations, to overcome the spread of Freethought associations.
We are therefore at your disposal for a meeting to discuss about this.
Please receive our warmest greetings.
Christian Eyschen (France), Maria Mantello (Italy)