The next day of May 1, an anarchist companion was violently stabbed at the headquarters of Le Monde Libertaire and Radio Libertaire, in the Publico bookstore (Paris XIème). An attempted murder investigation is ongoing. This library is clearly identified as an anarchist cultural place. It is a place where you can find books, writings, press, music, different and
committed films. This place also allows meetings, expressions, free, alternative projects. In short, it is a militant space at the service of social struggles, a national and international voice for the expression of the libertarian movement and beyond.
This open space enriches thought, expression, dissemination and communication of values for emancipation, human dignity and free, real and shared information.
It was in a context of public violence against freedom of expression, a context of stronger struggle and highlighting of libertarian ideas and resistance to all forms of submission and obscurantism that this heinous act took place.
It is by facing together to affirm our presence and our values that we will advance them, respecting our diversity but in unity with those who want to silence us.
“Freedom is always the freedom to think differently.” Rosa Luxemburg
More than ever aware of this absolute necessity, we express our support and solidarity with the Publico bookstore and the attacked companion.
The path to Freedom does not allow us to give up.
Paris, 2019 May 6.
First signatories (Organizations, Collectives, Groups, Individuals)
Alternative Libertaire, L’Association internationale de la Libre Pensée, la CGA Coordination des Groupes Anarchistes, la CNT, les compas de l’Atelier libertaire de La Havane, Christophe Chiclet (historien, journaliste, membre du Comité de rédaction de Confluences Méditerranée) Les Culottés du Bocal, Didier DAENINCKX (écrivain), Editions Libertaires, les éditions Rue des Cascades, les éditions Libertalia, Eric B. Coulaud (Ephéméride Anarchiste et Cartoliste), Gérard Mordillat (écrivain, cinéaste),
Jacques Pater (acteur), Jérôme Prieur (Ecrivain, cinéaste), La Fédération Anarchiste, la Fédération des Comités Syndicalistes Révolutionnaires (CSR), La Fédération Nationale de la Libre Pensée, Femmes libres (Radio libertaire), Le Genepi, Groupe libertaire Jules Durand, La Ligue des Droits de l’Homme, Monica Cerutti Giorgi, Nicolas Eprendre (réalisateur documentariste), Quilombo (la librairie), Philippe GUILLONNEAU, la CNT SSCT RP, Respublica, La Révolution prolétarienne (revue), Théolib, l’Union
Départementale CGT de Paris, l’Union Syndicale Solidaires Contact :