International Association of Free Thought
10/12 rue des Fossés-saint-Jacques 75005 Paris – France
Support Secular Activists in Turkey
The International Association of Free Thought unconditionally supports those in Turkey who are acting and demonstrating in defence of the secular character of the Republic of Turkey established by Mustapha Kemal Atatürk in 1937 and who refuse the destruction of the social gains.
The Recep Tayyip government has committed itself to “liberalizing” the economy, i.e. it is implementing the plans of the IMF and the World Bank by cutting thousands of civil servants’ jobs, privatizing whole sectors of the country’s economy and limiting union rights.
On the 1st of June, protesters, about one million in number, denounced the authoritarian drift of the government which is attacking nationalization and secularism with an aim to excessively Islamize the country. They demand the resignation of the government.
The authoritarian drift of the Government is clearly manifest in the fierce repression against the demonstrators.
The International Association of Free Thought demands respect for democratic rights, secularism of the Republic of Turkey and the right of the Turkish people to self-determination and to choose their Government.
14th June 2013
Spokespersons of the IAFT
- Christian Eyschen
- Elbio Laxalte
- Fernando Lozada
- David Rand
- Albert Riba
- David Silverman
- Antonio Vergara
- Keith Porteous Wood