Paris on November 28, 2018
to the Intendant of the Party (1) General Pueyrredon (2),
Sr. Carlos Fernando Arroyo (3)
Señor Carlos Fernando Arroyo
IAFT (International Association of Free Thought) is a structure that unites secular, atheist and free-thinking organizations from around the world.
IAFT acts in particular for the defense of the freedom of conscience, which is materialized by the separation of what belongs to the spiritual domain of the temporal domain.
IAFT considers that freedom of conscience is the mother of all other freedoms and that it must be promoted and defended in all countries, and all continents.
IAFT has also been working for almost a decade now to get the truth about church crimes, and to shed light on their role in organizing these crimes around the world.
Our spokespersons have inter alia intervened in the UN for the Catholic Church to report on the thousands and thousands of cases of pedophilia that are finally revealed in the media around the world. And that’s only the beginning.
The human rights associations in Mar del Plata, some members of AILP, tell us about the difficulties they are currently facing.
It seems that you are at the origin of a procedure to deprive the “Permanent Commission for Memory, Truth and Justice” of the premises named “Casa de la memoria” that this structure has occupied for twenty years.
We consider that this operation undertaken by your services can only disturb and complicate the action of “Permanent Commission for Memory, Truth and Justice”.
I wanted to let you know that your decision is shocking to the associations that make up our structure and we declare our solidarity with them completely so that the whole truth about the crimes that occurred during the dictatorship.
We hope that certain lasting guarantees will be given as to the occupation of these places by the “Permanent Commission for Memory, Truth and Justice” so that it can continue its work for memory, truth and justice.
Thanking you in advance for your listening and attention to this letter, receive Mr. Intendant, the expression of our commitment to democracy and peace and dialogue between peoples.
Christian EYSCHEN,
Spokesman of the AILP
(1) The province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, is divided administratively and territorially into 135 constituencies called constitutionally parties.
(2) Juan Martín de Pueyrredón and O’Dogan (Buenos Aires, December 18, 1776 – March 13, 1850) was an Argentine military and politician who served as Supreme Director of the United Provinces of Río de la Plata.
(3) Carlos Fernando Arroyo, Mayor of Mar Del Plata, “President” of the “Party” General Pueyrredon