On August 10, 2021, our South American friends and comrades celebrated the tenth anniversary of the founding of IAFT in Oslo.
About fifty free thinkers from Panama, Ecuador, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay and other countries participated in this vision-meeting organized by the Center for Social Studies José Mejia Lequericia of Ecuador, under the chairmanship of Eduardo Puente, President.
They were all there, Antonio VERGARA, Monica RODRIGUEZ, Edgar JARRIN, Alfredo LASTRA, Gabriela ROSAS, Alicia PODESTA and many others.
The participants could hear three communications recalling the important work carried out in the framework of the international congresses of the IAFT
– A first introductory presentation on the history of the Free Thought of Alfredo Jimenez Barros of Panama;
– A second by Ignacio Gonzalez Toledo of Ecuador recalling the work of the Mar del Plata, Quito and Valparaiso Congresses;
– And finally, Antonio Vergara presented the IAFT, its bodies and delegations in international institutions.
The participants were happy to meet, some of them will send messages to the FNLP congress.
They welcome the possibility of holding an international congress in Madrid in February 2022 (to be confirmed by Europa Laica authorities)