On the commemoration of the explosion of August 4, 2020

Four years have passed since the explosion of August 4. The Lebanese took to the streets yesterday to commemorate the forgotten memory in the “Lebanese business market”. The Lebanese came out to commemorate the wound of the bloody incident that has not healed. But yesterday we could feel the victory of life over death.

Unfortunately, the number of demonstrators, of those marching for justice to be done to the victims of the attack and to the victims of organized crime (according to them by the State) has decreased again. The shops in the surrounding area did not close their doors yesterday, unlike in previous years. In addition to conflicts between the demonstrators: there were unfortunately two demonstrations, one against the government, an accomplice of the murderers and the corrupt justice system, and the other rather pro-government. And who says pro-government says pro-Hezbollah. The two processions arrived at the same time but the speeches were different, even opposed. Statements and speeches were read starting with the gathering of the victims’ families and ending with the lawyers, demanding the formation of an international committee to investigate the truth.

Four years after August 4 “it is time for justice to be done”

Four years after August 4 “it is time for justice to be done”

On the occasion of the commemoration of the double explosion at the port of Beirut, calls for a relaunch of the investigation multiplied. Some proposed an international investigation. Let us recall that this deadly double explosion at the port of Beirut had left more than 235 dead and 7,000 injured.

Some suspect France and United States of not doing everything they can: why don’t they publish the satellite photos and the important information they hold. Their interests prevail?
The country, poor Lebanon, Switzerland of the Middle East, has been sinking into hell for many years: dozens of assassinations of political figures and the press, endemic corruption at the highest levels of the State, the plundering of tens of billions of dollars of Lebanese savings, an economic situation that has made Lebanon one of the poorest countries in the world: the poverty rate is 44%, according to the World Bank. Poverty in Lebanon has more than tripled over the last ten years. The growth of the Lebanese economy has always relied mainly on foreign investment, which practically no longer exists. With the devaluation of the Lebanese pound, salaries have lost 90% of their purchasing power.

Religion in Lebanon is a fundamental component of its social and cultural aspect. We know it only too well: it is responsible for endless dissensions and conflicts between Lebanese. For many Lebanese, Beirut was struck in the heart, but this heart has never stopped beating. And for good reason, this country, like a miracle, continues to live, a small France in an ocean of countries where freedom and life are lacking. This country is a major source of challenges and instability, since it is involved in regional and geopolitical tensions.

Lebanon, a country that deserves to be helped.

Categories: Miscellany