The International Association of free thought held its 7th Congress in Paris,
This was a real success!
After Oslo (Norway), Mar del Plata (Argentina), Concepción (Chile), London (United Kingdom), Montevideo (Uruguay), Quito (Ecuador), it was the turn of Paris (France) to receive the representatives of free thought in different countries and of all the continents. In four days, there are around 250 participants who attended the work of this Congress.
The point has been made on the 3 campaigns of IAFT:
- Bring justice to the victims of the crimes of the churches.
- Act for the Separation between religions and States
- An end to public funding of religion
Three other topics are also discussed:
- The right of women to equality
- The right to die with dignity
- The defense of Science, including threats creationist
At the international level, l’ IHEU (Union International Humanist and secular), EHF (European Humanist Federation), CFI (septic), the CLIPSAS (Liaison Committee international of the powers Masonic signatories of the appeal of Strasbourg), members of the IAA (International atheist Alliance) associations were present and expressed their desire to work closely with IAFT.
This common desire to act together will be important extensions soon.
You will find enclosed:
- The opening of the Congress by Christian Eyschen, spokesman for the IAFT
- The statement by the international Council of IAFT adopted.
The proceedings of the Congress in three languages (french, Spanish, English) will be available soon.
Paris, September 25, 2017
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