
Fernando Lozada Fernando Lozada
Welcoming Address
Antonio VergaraAntonio Vergara
“Scope of the Origins, Methods and Objectives of the IAFT
Ángel Jorge ClaveroÁngel Jorge Clavero
“State Secularism and Freedom of Conscience in Argentina, Latin America and the World: Progress and Prospects”
Jacques LafougeJacques Lafouge
“Towards a Latin American Association of Free Thought”
Elbio Laxalte Elbio Laxalte
Message from CIMAS
Sebastián JansSebastián Jans
Lina Manrique ZapataLina Manrique Zapata
Christian EyschenChristian Eyschen, FNLP
Opening Address

Working Sessions

Albert RibaAlbert Riba
“Separation of Church and State: Motives and Methods”
Mónica RodríguezMónica Rodríguez
“Challenges of Free Thought in Latin America”
Silvia SivoSilvia Sivo
“Gender violence and femicide”
Mariela RodríguezMariela Rodríguez
“Outstanding Debt: The Status of Women in Argentina and Latin America”
Julia ResnicoffJulia Resnicoff
“Trafficking in Women and Prostitution Rings”
Ethel PliscoffEthel Pliscoff
“Women in the media and sexist language”
Ana María AmaroAna María Amaro
“Sex Education and Reproductive Health, Abortion”
Ponciano MuñozPonciano Muñoz
“Secularism and the Clergy in Mexico”
David RandDavid Rand
“Prospects for Secularism in Canada & Quebec”
David Silverman (USA)David Silverman (USA)
“We Are Making Progress!”
Mario Eduardo VergaraMario Eduardo Vergara
“Why the Chilean Radical Party is attending this meeting…”
Alfredo LastraAlfredo Lastra
“Liberty, Equality, Discrimination and Diversity”
Alejandro Sigüenza
Alejandro Sigüenza
“Notes on Secularism”
Fernando LozadaFernando Lozada
“The Clericalization of Legislation in Argentine Dictatorships (1930-1983)”
David GozlanDavid Gozlan
“Public Funding of Religions”
Jaime MuñozJaime Muñoz
“Offenses and Crimes Committed by Those Who Take Refuge in Their Religious Ministries”
Alicia PodestáAlicia Podestá
“The Political and Social Participation of Uruguayan Women. What We Lack Even.”
Elbio LaxalteElbio Laxalte
“Strengthening Republican Ideals to Consolidate Democracy”
Diego CaseraDiego Casera
“Apostasy as a Secular Tool of Free Thought”
Raúl BulaRaúl Bula
“Uruguayan Public Education Today”
Myriam TardugnoMyriam Tardugno
“Free Thought in the Creation of Modern Uruguay”
Diego CaseraDiego Casera
“Pentecostal Sects in Uruguay”


Marc BlondelMarc Blondel, President of the French National Federation of Free Thought (FNLP)
Greeting (recorded)
Christian EyschenChristian Eyschen, FNLP
Closing Address

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