The International Association of Free Thought is administered by an International Council composed of representatives of member associations. There is one representative per association for every 500 members but the number cannot exceed 10 per association. The International Council may co-opt personalities or individual members.

The International Council meets in principle at least once a year, normally at the time of the General Assembly of the IHEU (International Humanist and Ethical Union). The representative delegations of the Associations to the International Committee are annual.

Expenses incurred by delegates of member Associations attending meetings of the International Council shall be borne by the said Associations.

The International Council may take decisions by postal or electronic correspondence.




The International Association of Free Thought is administered by an International Council composed of representatives of member associations, personalities or individual members.

Each founding association has one representative for every 500 members, without exceeding ten.

Associations wishing to join the AIFT and participate in the International Council submit an application accompanied by the opinion of the AIFT spokespersons of the continent concerned. This opinion is brought to the attention of the members of the International Council before the re-election of this body at the AIFT Congress.

Representatives of new member associations are admitted by consensus or, failing this, by an absolute majority of the members of the International Council.

The International Council may co-opt personalities or individual members.

Resigning or deceased members are replaced post for post at the request of the member organisation that already has a member on the International Council.

The International Council meets in principle at least once a year, normally at the time of the General Assembly of the IHEU (International Humanist and Ethical Union). The term of office of the delegations representing the associations on the International Council is three years annually.

Expenses incurred by delegates of member Associations attending meetings of the International Council shall be borne by the said Associations.

The International Council may take decisions by postal or electronic correspondence.